

We're honored to collaborate with these worthy organizations and creators as we journey toward mental health together.

The Ghost CMS logo is spelled out all-small, black letters to the right of a round, black, diaphanous, circular shape.
Ghost CMS

Google News Initiative logo with "Google" in blue, red, yellow and green and "News Initiative" in charcoal.
Google News Initiative

3 Black Women appear as white-dotted outlines on a black background, all facing left. The woman on the left has short hair, large peace symbol earrings and long eyelashes. The woman in the center wears an Indigenous-style headdress of long feathers and a wide headband and a large, round earring containing the shape of the African continent. The woman on the right has an afro and wears a large earring of concentric circles. At the bottom of the image is the title in pink, "Call Your Sister."
Call Your Sister blog

The Local Independent Online News Publishers' logo is a gray rectangle with a blue, green and black plaid stripe on the left edge. Inside the rectangle are the words, "Lion PUBLISHERS" in various shades and hues of blue.
LION Publishers

The Academy of American Poets' logo is a blue circle in which the URL appears with "poets" in white and ".org" in black.
American Academy of Poets

Logo for Sketchplanations: simple handwriting, "Sketchplanations"

Close-up photo of a man's face and neck. He's wearing a blue ball cap on which are attached 2 pulleys through which red yarn is threaded and connected to an orange, plastic, pronged cooking spoon, connected to a black hair clip that is holding a sandwich with dripping ketchup and lettuce. His mouth is open and he is trying to eat the sandwich as his contraption stuffs it in his mouth.
Joseph's Machines

Charlene Lanzel, Sand Artist
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