By Renata Hill, Moodfuel
Eating challenges bill gains traction as it enters the state Senate Appropriations Committee for a review on expenditures
Senate Bill 117, legislation supporting neighbors with eating challenges, is progressing during the 74th General Assembly on a possible journey to the desk of Governor Jared Polis. As mentioned in a recent Moodfuel article, this legislation offers additional protections to patients in eating disorder treatment facilities and directs the Colorado Behavioral Health Administration (BHA) to scrutinize practices and policies. According to KRDO, patients have been threatened with feeding tubes and isolation and some centers don't offer culturally-informed services to LGBTQIA2S+ people.
As the Appropriations Committee weighs the annual budget cost of SB117, estimated at $460,533, its supervisory requirement will complicate the agenda of new BHA leader Dannette R. Smith. If even a fraction of the 28 remaining mental health bills are enacted – many involving the BHA – she will have a full plate.

Bill sponsors: Senator Lisa Cutter & Rep. Chris Degruy Kennedy
Stats from National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD), Center For Discovery, National Library of Medicine & National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA)

If you're struggling with eating challenges, take a look at the Moodfuel Resource Guide for links to zero-to-low cost programs, groups & listeners.